Colma, CA 在旧金山以南16公里的一个小城,当年的淘金热导致加州人口聚集,生存条件和卫生状况导致大量的人失去生命。这座城市当初是为了作为墓地而建,且大多数土地都被规划成墓葬用地,因此该市埋葬的死者数高达 150 多万,甚至比生活于此的在世人口多近千倍,而被称为 “寂静的城市”(The City of the Silent)。现在该市的官方网站也戏称 “在科尔马活着是伟大的”(It's great to be alive in Colma)。
I hate everybody including you
Thank you for your letter of 10th January. I would be useless at this debate primarily because I have been dead for 24 years now. Apart from that, I hate scientists and I hate artists. In fact, I hate everybody including you, do tell them that is why I’m not at the debate. Spike Milligan | Letter to Cameron Robson, 1990
I believe that always, or almost always, in all childhoods and in all the lives that follow them, the mother represents madness. Our mothers always remain the strangest, craziest people we've ever met. ── Marguerite Duras
邮件结尾常常写的「onwards and upwards」什么意思:onwards 向前,前进,upwards 向上,高升。onwards means continous, upwards means going up。直译就是「向前,向上」或者「步步高升」。